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Who is being deported?
Anybody deemed to be poisoning the blood of our great Nation is subject to removal or internment. This includes, but is not limited to:
Hispanics, Asians, and other Non-Whites
Per Draft Executive Order 2025.064-1, the following races are declared to have threatened the presence of the White race in America, and are subject to immediate deportation or internment:
- Hispanics, constituting all persons of Spanish or Latin American ancestry, to include those with ancestral birthplaces in Central America, South America, Cuba, and/or Puerto Rico
- Asians, constituting all persons of Asian or Pacific Islander ancestry, to include those with ancestral birthplaces in Japan, China, Tibet, Mongolia, the Indian Subcontinent (to include Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Pakistan, the Maldives, and Sri Lanka), and Southeast Asia (to include Cambodia, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam)
- Middle Easterners, constituting all persons of Arabic, Levantine, or Persian descent, to include those with ancestral birthplaces in the Arabian Peninsula, the Levant, Turkey, Egypt, Iran, and Iraq
- Blacks, constituting all persons of African, Caribbean, or East Indian descent, but exclusive of persons whose maternal ancestry includes formerly-enslaved persons
- Other Non-Whites, constituting all persons of European, Germanic, or Slavic descent, but exclusive of persons with ancestral birthplaces in Germany, England/Scotland/Wales, Scandinavia (to include Denmark, Norway, Finland, and the Faroe Islands), Switzerland, and Russia (exclusive of territories annexed by Russia after 2013)
Muslims, Jews, Idolaters, Blasphemers, and Non-Evangelical Christians
Per Draft Executive Order 2025.064-2, the following religious groups are declared to have perverted the minds of Americans through the worship of false idols, and are subject to immediate deportation or internment:
- Muslims, constituting all adherents of Islam, defined as persons who consider the Koran a foundational religious text, persons who use the term Allah to name their god, persons who declare Mohammed to be a true prophet, and persons who engage in Muslim rituals such as head coverings (to include the hijab, takiyah, kufi, and burka), prayer facing Mecca, and observance of Muslim holidays (to include Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr, and Eid al-Adha)
- Jews, constituting all adherents of Judaism, defined as persons who observe the Mosaic covenant but reject the New Covenant, persons who observe halakha, persons who accept Jehovah as the Creator but reject Jesus as the Savior, and persons who engage in Jewish rituals such as head coverings (to include the yarmulke, kippah, tichel, snood, and sheitel), dietary laws, observance of heretical holidays (to include Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Hanukkah, and Purim), and observance of a lunar religious calendar
- Practicers of Dharmic Religions, constituting all adherents of Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism, defined as persons who espouse one or more beliefs to include: polytheism, pantheism, panentheism, reincarnation outside that of Jesus Christ, liberation from sin outside of submission to God, observance of canonical texts not included in the Bible, persons who engage in rituals such as head ornamentations (to include the turban and tilaka), and observance of heretical holidays (to include Diwali and Bodhi Day, and Holi), and observance of a lunar religious calendar
- Atheists and Agnostics, constituting all adherents of Atheism, Deism, Agnosticism and Secular Humanism, defined as persons who espouse one or more beliefs to include: the rejection of or apathy toward the belief in deities, the elevation of human intellect over the powers of the divine, the assertion of empiricism over faith, and the replacement of divine moral codes with those derived from human experience
- Non-Evangelical Christians, constituting adherents of Christianity that do not ascribe to the evangelical Protestant doctrine, to include Catholics, Methodists, Latter-day Saints (Mormons), Lutherans, Presbyterians, Pentecostals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Unitarians, Adventists, Mennonites, Quakers, and any other denominations that reject the necessity of being born again, the historicity and authority of the Bible, and the ongoing rule of an all-powerful, perfect, interventionist and creationist deity as described in the Bible
- Evangelical Christians who refuse to be re-baptized under the worship of our Eternal Leader Donald Trump
Homosexuals, Transsexuals, and Sexual Deviants
Per Draft Executive Order 2025.064-3, the following groups are declared to have perverted the minds of Americans through the perversion, desecration, and mutilation of the bodies given to them by their Creator, and are subject to immediate deportation or internment:
- Homosexuals, constituting any person who engages in sexual or romantic attraction, or sexual behavior with another member or members of the same biological sex, to include persons who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, or queer
- Transsexuals, constituting any person who expresses a gender identity that is in conflict with their birth-assigned biological sex, to include persons who identify as transgender, transsexual, nonbinary, or gender fluid, and to include persons who engage in medical suppression of their biological sex or who engage in mental or physical care that affirms a gender other than that assigned at birth, to include transvestism ("cross-dressing" or "drag"), hormone therapy, and psychological care for gender dysphoria
- Sexual Deviants, constituting any person who engages in immoral sexual behavior separate and apart from those listed above, to include rape, sodomy, paraphilia, fetishism, and pedophilia
Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, and Corrupters of Youth
Per Draft Executive Order 2025.064-4, members of the following groups are declared to have defiled the minds and bodies of our People by the acts specified herein, and are subject to immediate deportation or internment:
- Doctors and medical researchers in the fields of: obstetrics and/or gynecology to include professionals who engage in the implantation, removal, and/or termination of embryos or fetuses, or the harvesting of fertilized cells, for any purpose to include in-vitro fertilization ("IVF"), abortion, treatment of miscarriage or fetal abnormality, or research (e.g. "stem-cell" research); psychology and/or psychiatry to include professionals who promote individual expression of fixed traits (e.g. "gender fluidity", "gender identity") or the pathologization of youth (e.g. "attention deficit disorder", "autism"); immunology and epidemiology to include professionals who engage in the promulgation of vaccines, antibiotics, fluoridation, and other unnatural care; and internal medicine ("general medicine" or "family medicine") to include professionals who engage in any of the aforementioned
- Nurses,
- Teachers,
- Corrupters of Youth,